Ramona is heaven on earth, so stay in our 250 sq. ft One King Bed guestroom with poolside views, equipped with one supremely comfortable king-sized bed. Everybody needs a little downtime. Click on a flat-screen TV to scroll through several cable channels or search attractions in the area with our high-speed WiFi. Enjoy the convenience of a microwave and refrigerator in your room! A private bathroom is available and stocked with complimentary toiletries and fluffy towels to wash up after a fun-filled day of exploring the safari park. Smoking is not permitted and pets are not allowed in this room.
When you stay in one of our Accessible Deluxe Queen guestrooms with poolside views, you'll be in awe. There are various accessibility conveniences in this guestroom, including 100% wheelchair accessibility, closed-caption television, and bathroom handrails. Watch your favorite show on a cable flat-screen TV or upload your site-seeing images to the internet using our high-speed WiFi. For your benefit, a microwave and refrigerator are available. Enjoy complimentary toiletries, fresh towels, and a hairdryer in your private bathroom. Smoking is not permitted.
Keep calm and love Ramona when you stay in our 250 sq. ft Accessible Standard Two Double Beds guestroom. You are sure to have a restful stay with our oh-so-comfy mattresses, plush pillows, and crisp linens. Do you have some leftover food from the Oaks Grill and Bar Lounge? No problem! You can store and prepare food items with our in-room microwave and refrigerator. Gather around to watch a show on a cable flat-screen TV or post your safari pics online with our high-speed WiFi. A private bathroom is stocked with fresh towels and complimentary toiletries. This guestroom has several accessibility features, including 100% wheelchair access, closed-captioning television, and bathroom handrails. Smoking is not permitted.
Ramona is always a good idea, which is why we welcome you to stay in our 375 sq. ft family suite, equipped with two bedrooms (one with a king-sized bed and the other with two bunk beds). Click through several cable channels on a flat-screen TV in a separate seating area or search attractions in the area with our high-speed WiFi. Enjoy the convenience of an in-room microwave and refrigerator. Coffee Making facilities are offered for our caffeine lovers. There’s no need to waste money on going out to eat. Enjoy a fully equipped kitchenette to cook up a storm. A private bathroom is stocked with complimentary toiletries and fresh towels. Smoking is not permitted and pets are not allowed in this room.
Forever crush on Cali when you stay in our 250 sq. ft Two Double Beds guest rooms with poolside views. Gather around to watch the game on a cable flat-screen TV or post your hiking photos online with our high-speed WiFi. A microwave and refrigerator are provided for your convenience. Freshen up in a private bathroom with complimentary toiletries, fresh towels, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted and pets are not allowed in this room.
Follow your heart to Southern California to stay in our 250 sq. ft Standard Two Double Beds guestroom, an excellent option for family and group travelers. Gather around to watch the game on a cable flat-screen TV or post your hiking photos online with our high-speed WiFi. A microwave and refrigerator are provided for your convenience. Freshen up in a private bathroom with complimentary toiletries, fresh towels, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted.
Stay in our Standard One King Bed guestroom if you're planning a visit to Ramona. If you want to relax and unwind, turn on the flat-screen TV with cable channels or stay connected with our high-speed WiFi. We also provide a microwave and a refrigerator as some of our key amenities. After a day of exploring the area, you can freshen up in your private bathroom before you grab dinner at one of the top restaurants in Ramona. Towels and toiletries are provided free of charge. It is prohibited to smoke in the room.